Thursday, September 17, 2015

Unit 3 Legal and Ethical Issues
Current technology advances brought us amazing features to be added to our classrooms and to learning process. The new integrated information technology has intruded our schools and teaching environments vigorously. This kind of technology did not exist a decade ago, as the learning environment was composed of 386-based “luggable” computers and laser disc players. (Oblinger, 2005). But today we are able to access the teaching methods and education levels through many different ways and technology is the one of these ways that enabled us to make it easier as much as possible.
Technology has a remarkable influence on students and teachers in health care services, nursing programs, and nursing education. Examples of information technology (web, search engines, and available systems to manage courses through different devices are all facilitated our works. Nowadays, the impact of new created integrated technology has grown and has been ramified. But wait a minute, do these information technologies are all used in proper ways for reaching the goal and targeted the point of classrooms? No, many of these technologies are abused and misused by people who might not know about the legal and ethical issues that ocuur from using of technologies. In fact, there are many ethical and legal issues that could be seen when using new information technology in teaching and education. Accordingly to (Park, 2009), “Although the integrated teaching method deals with wide varieties of ethic content, the teaching method lacks core content and a systematic approach to ethics education within nursing programs.” In other words, ethical issues could be raised if we didn’t realize and recognized others and ours rights.
In Chapter 10 of Integrating Technology by (Mastrian, et al. 2011), I found many important information that I was not aware of it before, starting with “The primary objective of copyright is not to reward the labor of authors, but [t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.” It impressed me; we have to think about the copyrights in this way, in order to maintain the continuity of the science and its progress for human being’s sake. Because copyrights, fair use, public domain, and TEACH Act are all considered crucial to understand the proper use of available materials online.

Mastrian, K. G., McGonigle, D., Mahan, W. L., and Bixter. B. (2011). Integrating technology in nursing education: Tools for the knowledge era. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Park, M. (2009). The legal basis of nursing ethics education. Journal Of Nursing Law, 13(4), 106-113. doi:10.1891/1073-7472.13.4.106
Oblinger, G. D. (2005). Learners, Learning, and Technology. The Educause Learning Initiative. 66-68.  Retrieved from:

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