Imagining the Future

Identify and blog on key trends that will most likely affect the use of educational technology in the near future. Use of articles or educational websites is appropriate to illustrate your point.   Blog in sufficient detail to stimulate classmate’s interest.


    Biometrics will someday be used to recognize humans based on their physical or behavioral traits. This will allow teachers to recognize physical and emotional states of students. With the help of Biometrics, instructors will be able to alter course material to meet the needs of a particular student or a group of students (Grantham, 2012).
    Physical traits such as facial features, facial expression, heart rate, skin moisture, and odor can be analyzed to understand student performance.
    Signs such as typing rhythm, gait and voice recognition will give instructors insight as to which students are in need of personal assistance.
    This recognition system will be a key to improved systems of identification for security. This link shows interesting research that could be used in airport checkpoints.
    AR layers further data on the reality we see with our own eyes. Educational possibilities seem unlimited. This technology will allow students to have personal instructors, much like a tutor, instructing them via the screens on their eyewear (Grantham, 2012).
    For nursing this technology could eventually allow a nurse to look at a patient and instantly access his medical records, lab results or doctor’s orders.
    For a demo the Google Glass go to this link -

    Eventually, students will able to collude ‘LIVE’ with students around the world. It will be possible to manipulate virtual objects on their desktop. Streamed videos, tools and online resources will be controlled with a mere swipe on the desk (Grantham, 2012).
    See the EXOPC / EXOdesk
    Grantham, N. (2012). Technology Integration: Five future technologies that will shape our classrooms. Edutopia

    Judy Willis (2011), makes the case that video games are not the enemy of education, but can be a model for teaching strategies. Players begin games at an achievable challenge level and receive awards for effort and practice related to incremental goal progress. That is… progress, NOT the final product. Ms. Willis alludes to the fact that the fuel for this pleasure is related to the release of dopamine (Willis, 2011).
    DOPAMINE MOTIVATION-The dopamine-reward system is ignited when the brain recognizes the achievement of a goal, choice, or behavioral response. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that flows to other areas of the brain bringing about the sense of pleasure. The reaction to the dopamine release stimulates the brain to seek additional opportunities to experience the reaction (Willis,, 2011).
    NO PAIN, NO GAIN-The benefit of the dopamine-reward system is building skills and responses. If there is no risk, there is no reward. In humans, the dopamine response requires that they are aware that they have solved a problem, answered a puzzle, or achieved the sequence of movements such as those needed to play the piano, dance or add double-digit numbers (Willis, 2011).
    AWARENESS OF INCREMENTAL GOAL PROGRESS-Players get ongoing feedback during a video game. This feedback can take the form of additional points, tokens, or sound effects. In the classroom, the video game model can be achieved through feedback to students. This will enable them to recognize incorrect knowledge and have an opportunity to obtain knowledge through practice and application (Willis, 2011).
    Classroom instruction that provides incremental progress feedback at the students’ achievable challenge levels and results in increased focus, resilience, and perseverance. Application of the video game model will encourage the students to achieve their highest academic, social and emotional potentials (Willis, ,2011).
    Willis, J., (2011). A neurologist makes the case for the video game model as a learning tool. Edutopia.

    1. Becky,
      Al of these you trends you write about are quickly becoming a reality and I hope that nursing is on the innovative side of these so that our profession can utilize these for better education programs and outcomes for patients. So much to learn and gain in the future with technology. How exciting!!

  2. Schools are expected to spend upwards of $19 billion on educational technology by the year 2018. With the push for learning experiences that blend digital technology with classroom environments to enhance student outcomes, the educational technology industry is pushing for more innovative products to market to school administrators and teachers. The use of the flipped classroom was made possible by technology that allows students to learn material at home by watching online videos and completing homework assignments in the classroom with other students and faculty present. Another advance in educational technology is the device agnostic service. This is a flexible service that allows students to use any mobile device to access videos or websites for mobile learning. The use of mobile devices that carry apps and platforms for learning allows for increased access to a wider variety of individuals. A significant upgrade in technology occurred when assistive devices removed barriers to learning by allowing persons with special needs to have access. The personalization of technology in education helps to meet the needs of students in a timely and meaningful way. Teachers are able to blend the digital learning tools that augment the learning outcomes for each student (Singh, 2015).
    Singh, H. (2015). 5 education tech trends for 2015. Information Week. Retrieved from

    1. On my personal blog, I talk about various apps that can be used for education. It is amazing that some hospitals block the Google app on their websites. Because of this, the nurse who needs to look up a new medication before administering it to a patient is forced to find a drug reference book and look up the drug. Using or other Google apps would expedite this process. Nursing Administrators must break the mold and let nurses use the resources that are readily available in today's world of technology!!
      Thank you,

  3. Blog #6
    Collaborative Learning Spaces
    Physical or virtual collaborative learning spaces will replace the traditional lecture pedagogy that has the layout of rows of seats from the front to the back of the classroom. These collaborative spaces will resemble a group-oriented layout with round tables. These learning spaces will promote positive outcomes by bringing people together and encouraging exploration, collaboration, and discussion.
    Today’s learner favors active, participatory, experiential learning. Collaborative learning spaces can bring students and faculty together in the learning process instead of creating barriers that the traditional classroom processes posed.
    A collaborative learning space accommodates all learning styles. It has flexibility to accommodate the needs of each student. They provide comfort and ease for student success.
    Many times as an educator I have made the statement, “I wish we did not have to have a back row.”
    Augmented Reality
    Augmented reality can be defined as a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment. Elements and interaction are superimposed by computer graphics, audio and other sense enhancements over a real-world environment. AR aims to duplicate the environment in a computer device in order to create a visual system, which effectively blurs the difference between the actual world and its virtual augmentation. The user’s real world can be manipulated allowing users to be in “actual” situations for learning to occur. It is an active, participatory, experiential learning strategy.

    1. Staci
      Augmented reality (AR) is an interesting technology. AR app can use as an educational technology, which brings close to real life experiences to the classrooms. There are many free and low-cost AR apps. Anatomy 4D, a free app, bring the human body to life, which can help nursing students to learn about the different systems and human anatomy with this app.

  4. Imagining the Future:
    There are many trends affecting the use of educational technology especially in nursing and health care. Technology is part of patient care from the operating room to the bedside. Education has yet to keep up with the technology therefore any aspect of technology will be and is affecting the educational setting. In the near future gaming and virtual reality environments are going to be added into the simulation area of nursing. The high fidelity and low fidelity simulation mannequins are going to be combined with virtual communities and neighborhoods as well as virtual collaboration opportunities for learning and teaching.

    Gaming and virtual reality educational programs
    In nursing education I would like to see gamification added into the simulation research and utilized as credit for clinical time. Gaming and virtual worlds are becoming a topic of discussion in education. One study using a virtual neighborhood in nursing programs describes the virtual program to be effective regardless of learning styles and as diversity increases in the student body multimodal approaches to education may be helpful to the success of the student (Fogg, Carlson-Sabelli, Carlson, & Giddens, 2013). My thoughts about the usefulness of these virtual reality games and technology is comparable to what the airline industry uses for flight simulation. The same safety aspects are built in through simulation and how much more would this apply in a virtual world for nursing such as running a code blue. An interesting idea. There are already some virtual clinical type programs available such as VitalSims by ClinicalCare. I expect these types of programs added to current didactic and simulation to be prevalent in most if not all nursing programs in the near future.

    Inter-professional collaboration through a virtual environment
    Inter-professional collaboration is taught in the nursing classroom today and sometimes this concept is not easily translated from the concept to application. Virtual collaboration may be a way to allow students to gain experience and be better prepared at the bedside. In a curriculum case report, students who learned triage and practiced disaster preparedness through a virtual environment and taught other disciplines gained enhanced knowledge and skills (Nicely & Farra, 2015). The virtual environment has vast opportunities for learning and creating scenarios that reflect actual practice in hospital environments, rural environments, community environments and disaster planning management.

    Simulation is commonplace in nearly every nursing school today and if we limit our learning to simulation via mannequins (high or low fidelity), we are doing a disservice to our students and our patients. Expanding the opportunities technology has to offer is a prudent step in the future of nursing education.

    Nicely, S., & Farra, S. (2015). Fostering Learning Through Interprofessional Virtual Reality Simulation Development. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(5), 335-336 2p. doi:10.5480/13-1240

    Fogg, L., Carlson-Sabelli, L., Carlson, K., & Giddens, J. (2013). The Perceived Benefits of a Virtual Community: Effects of Learning Style, Race, Ethnicity, and Frequency of Use on Nursing Students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34(6), 390-394 5p. doi:10.5480/11-526.1

    1. Thank you, Angela. Gaming and virtual reality technology,virtual collaboration, and simulation are useful technologies for nursing education in the future which can encourage students interest and enhance learning process of students.

  5. The Future of Education and the Internet

    The future of education is moving more and more towards open on-line learning. Free educational offerings are already accessible via the internet from prestigious schools like MIT and Harvard, just to name a few. Searching the internet one can easily find educational videos for math and science and many other topics that have been downloaded through YouTube. One can open up YouTube and easily download videos from educators on numerous subjects. For instance, one can download videos related to pathophysiology found under the on-line Khan Academy. Educause and other sites are equally important in helping educators find the latest and greatest internet content that helps us navigate and apply new and innovative teaching strategies.

    Another site, The Next Web (TNW), has educational topics that are free or can be purchased for a price. The home page for the next web describes the future of education and the internet and names some of the key players involved in revolutionizing the internet for open learning. Interestingly, a key point they make is that although they are a believer in open learning systems they still hope those who practice medicine for instance, still obtain their knowledge and skills from an established institution of higher learning (Myers, 2011). Another innovative tactic for learning was mentioned on TNW related to students being taught using Skype for education and outreach programs that connect students to others worldwide. All of the new innovative teaching strategies and the ability to obtain access to free open learning systems is exciting as well as a legitimate way to add to our teaching and learning repertoire but should also be used cautiously to ensure that the knowledge and information found and utilized especially with our nursing students is valid and reliable.


    Myers, C. B. (2011, May 14). How the internet is revolutionizing education. The Next Web. Retrieved from

  6. Technology in the Future

    Technology in education is changing constantly and advancing in ways that no one ever dreamed possible. Future innovation in education will include:

    Reactive furniture:

    The furniture reacts to the student, promotes comfort, and enhances educational outcomes. It will also accommodate space for technology, touch screens, and other innovative digital teaching devices. It will be functional and react to student input.


    This is combining informatics and brain research to provide benefits for both fields of science in organizing and analyzing new data through computational models and analytical tools. This concept will help people analyze massive amounts of information, therefore filling in the gaps of current knowledge and discovering new knowledge at a much faster pace.

    Digital intermediated field trips:

    Virtual field trips that can enhance curriculum and take students and faculty to places they would never have the opportunity to go.

    Eye tracking

    Eye tracking has the ability to interpret natural human behavior. It helps us to gain a deeper insight into people's attention and actions. It also facilitates interactions with computers, other devices, and is a sensor technology that enables a device to know exactly where your eyes are focused. Eye tracking determines your presence, attention, focus, drowsiness, consciousness, or other mental states.

    1. WOW!! those are really cutting edge. Reactive furniture was something that I was reading about in a Sifi novel; not that long ago. There are some testing platform that use eye tracking to identify possible cheating.

  7. Terry Heick mentioned in the Tech Thought 30 incredible ways that technology will change education by 2028. Here are some of these ways.
    The change in technology is rapid and it is difficult to overcome. Changing technology is tangible and expectable. Google has changed from web browser to the teaching and learning channel, saver for personal information in the cloud, virtual museum tour, etc. Technology and education in the next 15 years will be integrated and collaborated together. In 2015 the adaptive technology will be prominent for assessing academic proficiency, learning simulation role in replacing the direct instruction, spread in using game-based learning and the potential of decreasing interactivity, and apps will replace the textbooks. In 2018 using the digital literacy and custom multimedia content, will replace the numerical data with the visual data.
    In 2020 the cloud based education will be the prominent, increasing seamless collaboration between schools with other schools and students with other students.
    In 2024 there will be an increase in the dialogic learning between students, mentors, and educators. Simulation can replace educators in some instances. Technological dominance has an economical effect that leads to the migration of families as a results of the technology dominants.
    In 2028 the biometric will give the educators and non-profit organizations the feedback about the learners. Simulation will replace educators and some schools, schools will be prominent on e-learning and virtual reality, increasing the cost of technology will make a divide in the schools, and the certification system will replace the institutional certifications. All these changes represent the effect of technology on the future education in both directions, the positive and the negative.

  8. An interesting future for education (and nursing education). We need to keep up.

  9. Unit 6-Imagine the Future
    Albert Einstein said, “ Imagination is more important than knowledge” (“Albert Einstein Quotes,” n.d.), Imagining the future of the education will help the specialized scientific personnel and education departments to think and dig more about the better future of the teaching for our new generations and kids. But before we imagine the future we have to know how was the antecedents’ imaginative process in the past for our todays teaching? And how were the teaching methods in the past? To compare between the teaching methods in the past and in the recent days we can find a huge difference; as it is clear that in past there were no internet, smart mobiles, smart boards, youtube, social medias, and app stores. The present technology might be imagined in the past and became true or it might be more sci-fi thinking. But our today’s imaginations for the future are not a challenging object because now we are living within the technology schools that only will be developed.
    The new technology use in educational processes is significantly benefited in our new class teaching that needs to be more emphasized. The technology progression through the last decades was countless and it could be seen in every school and among students and faculties. But what are the most considerable and effective methods of technology in the process of education for our future students and faculties? I think that we have to focus on the researchers effective findings and results that will reveal the major facts about teaching technology systems. Furthermore, the technology use assisted the teachers to be more influential and the students to be more absorbent for the class materials. That is why; the future education will assuredly be made of full technology use beside the turn of classes to a sort of technology data that will serve the teacher and the students.
    The advanced technology and the improvement of the education system all are considered having an important role in progression and expansion of the teaching methods in the future classes. Indeed, no one is aware from this future how it will be, but we are definitely guarantying the best use of technology in the classes. Because today the web and internet are considered the most obvious part in our learning process. For example the D2L and its board of discussion, blogging and using of social medias or any other methods of teaching are all measured and could be updated and developed for better use in the future.
    The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is an online course, which currently used by most of US universities and colleges that allows virtually anyone with an Internet connection to attend for free. Over in Asia, the National University of Singapore and the Nanynag Technological University, and University of Hong Kong are all decided to use MOOC in their programs (Hew, 2015).

    “Game players can process visual information better, and have better perceptual vision and hand-eye coordination than those who do not play games” (Mastrian, McGonigle, Mahan, & Bixler, 2011, p.281). Based on this finding, the gamification and game playing will be enforced and enhanced in the classes of the near future, also in my perspective the nursing education will have the bigger chances for that opportunities.


    Imagination is more important than knowledge. (n.d.). Retrieved from
    Hew, K. F. (2015). Towards a model of engaging online students: lessons from MOOCs and four policy documents. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 5(6), 425-431.
    Mastrian, K.G., McGonigle, D., Mahan, W.L., & Bixler, B. (2011). Integrating technology in nursing education: Tools for the knowledge era. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett

  10. Educational Technology in the Future

    According to the ‘Horizon Report 2015 Higher Education’ presented by the New Media Consortium (NMC) identifies six important technological developments for the higher education.
    Six Important Developments in Educational Technology
    1. Bring Your Own Device: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a digital strategy that refers to people bringing their own laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. to their learning or work environment, thus enabling students and educators to leverage the tools that they find most efficient:
    2. Flipped Classroom: The flipped model shifts the time spent in class from content transfer to group discussions, project-based learning and other learner-centered activities.
    3. Makerspaces: Makerspaces, community-oriented workshops that engage learners in problem-solving through hands-on design and construction, are forecasted to reach mainstream within 2-3 years
    4. Wearable Technologies: Wearable technologies are significant growth in the coming years. This technology is predicted to try out in higher education.
    5. Adaptive Learning Technologies: Adaptive learning is a smart learning application, which offers adapting instructional material to individual learning needs.
    6. Internet of Things: Trend on the long-term horizon is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT signifies a network of objects that connect the physical realm and the information technology sphere by embedding chips, sensors or tiny processors into objects .

    Panke, S. (2015). Que sera, sera? Predicting Future Trends in Educational Technology – Horizon Report 2015. Retrieved from

  11. This course has highlights the impact technology has on education. It is also apparent that technology is the most likely avenue of changing education in the future. In the final blog portion of this course, I am going to discuss some technologies that are still being improved as well as provide a further look into the future of educational technologies.
    A paper by Martin, Diaz, Sancristobal, Gil, Castro, and Peire (2011) attempted to analyze the technologies most likely to have an impact in the next seven years. The main purpose of this study was to suggest strategies for including technology in education. Today’s educational technologies in the classroom typically consist of presentation software, projectors, some interactive labs, and Smartboards. These have all been in use for quite some time and, when used appropriately, can provide a quality educational experience. I had previously discussed the use of gaming in the educational setting and this strategy is employed by many educators as well. More recent developments in educational technology include learning apps, e-books, and hybrid classrooms.
    A unique and emerging idea in educational technology is the use of learning based algorithms and completely digitized classrooms. Learning based algorithms allow for the content being taught to be more applicable to the individual student. Completely digital classrooms could present the opportunity for global learning environments. This would allow for a more unified, higher quality education across the world. Virtual reality will also play a role in future educational environments, as it is already in place in military and sports. These simulations would provide a much better interaction for students as opposed to a sim man. This would also allow for more realistic situations that may not have as much exposure in the traditional clinical settings. It will not only be interesting, but exciting to see how much of an impact that technology plays in the future of education. This shows special promise as nursing educators and the future of nursing education appears to have a bright horizon.
    Martin, S., Diaz, G., Sancristobal, E., Gil, R., Castro, M., & Peire, J. (2011). New technology trends in education: Seven years of forecasts and convergence. Computers & Education, 57(3), 1893-1906.
